
Goals & Achievements - Real Life = ??? (Part 1)

High Hopes.
That's what I should have titled this post.  I'm such a mess when it comes to goals and things.  I have a short attention span really.  I want to get my idea out, finish it, and then move on.  I don't want to start something else yet until I've completed this one thing first.  But on the other hand, I do like to burn my candle at both ends - it makes for an interesting life.

Part of my process, creatively, is to imitate (aka steal) from other creatives out there.  When I was a programmer, we did this sort of thing all the time.  How ever, I don't just steal it outwrite and then call it mine!  NEVER.  During the imitating process, my creative juices begin to flow and I start molding it into my creation.  Part of it may be sampled, but in the end it's really my creation.

People do this all the time.  EVERYONE does this.  Whether it's art or musical inspiration (aka imitation), fashion, writing, child-rearing, housekeeping (aka Martha).  Am I ashamed, no - but I do get jealous at their talent.  I often wonder who started it.  I mean, Jackson Pollock threw paint on a canvas and called it art.  Andy Warhol, and his eye catching bright pinks and greens and yellows in the background of his portrait recreations... Did J.Crew get it's inspiration from Cary Grant?  On and on it goes.

Well, what does this have to do with "Goals & Achievements - Real Life = ???"?
I want a successful life.  I want a full life.  And because I didn't go to home-ec I don't know that I can honestly say that I know how to run a household.  But Martha does.  And so do many others as I have found on Pinterest.



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